Milk And Toast And Honey超級甜的歌
Lyrics:Per Gessle Music:Per Gessle
Milk and toast and honey make it sunny
on a rainy Saturday, he-he-hey
Milk and toast, some coffee take the stuffiness
out of days you hate, you really hate
Slow morning news pass me by
I try not to analyse but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?
Here he comes
To bring a little lovin', honey
Here he comes
To take away the hurt inside
Here he comes
is everything that matters to me
Here he comes
is everything I want in life
Milk and toast and honey
Ain't it funny how things sometimes look so clear and feel so near
The dreams I dream, my favourite wishfull thinkin'
Oh he's bookmarked everywhere, everywhere
True love might fall from the sky
You never know what to find but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?
Here he comes
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the pain inside
Here he comes
is everything that matters to me
Here he comes
is everything I want in life
Here he comes
Oh lay a little lovin', honey
Here he comes
To feel you're gettin' close to me
Here he comes
is everything that matters to me
Here he comes
Is everywhere I want to be
Here he comes
To bring a little lovin', honey
Here he comes
To take away the pain inside
Here he comes
is everything that matters to me
Here he comes
is everything I want from life
Here he comes
Oh lay a little lovin', baby, baby
Here he comes
To gettin' close to me
Here he comes
is everything that matters to me
Here he comes
Is everywhere I want to be
To bring a little lovin'
is everything I want
To lay a little lovin'
is everything I want
Oh, here he comes
Lyrics:Per Gessle Music:Per Gessle
Milk and toast and honey make it sunny
on a rainy Saturday, he-he-hey
Milk and toast, some coffee take the stuffiness
out of days you hate, you really hate
Slow morning news pass me by
I try not to analyse but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?
Here he comes
To bring a little lovin', honey
Here he comes
To take away the hurt inside
Here he comes
is everything that matters to me
Here he comes
is everything I want in life
Milk and toast and honey
Ain't it funny how things sometimes look so clear and feel so near
The dreams I dream, my favourite wishfull thinkin'
Oh he's bookmarked everywhere, everywhere
True love might fall from the sky
You never know what to find but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?
Here he comes
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the pain inside
Here he comes
is everything that matters to me
Here he comes
is everything I want in life
Here he comes
Oh lay a little lovin', honey
Here he comes
To feel you're gettin' close to me
Here he comes
is everything that matters to me
Here he comes
Is everywhere I want to be
Here he comes
To bring a little lovin', honey
Here he comes
To take away the pain inside
Here he comes
is everything that matters to me
Here he comes
is everything I want from life
Here he comes
Oh lay a little lovin', baby, baby
Here he comes
To gettin' close to me
Here he comes
is everything that matters to me
Here he comes
Is everywhere I want to be
To bring a little lovin'
is everything I want
To lay a little lovin'
is everything I want
Oh, here he comes
羅克賽( Roxette )【 共收藏 26 張專輯, 428 首歌 】
1977年的夏天,女主唱Marie Fredriksson[1958年5月30號生]與創作靈魂Per Gessle[1959年1月12號生]在他們的家鄉—瑞典西南方的海港城市Halmstad相遇,當時,他們的家鄉正壟罩在景氣蕭條的低氣壓,這兩個不愛唸書的年輕就決定把精力全都投入在音樂之中,就學時期的Per不會玩樂器,也不會讀樂譜,完全是藉著長期收聽收音機與唱片來刺激自己對音樂的感覺,然後慢慢的搞懂旋律副歌編曲製作這些玩意兒,至於Marie,她則喜歡在週末假日的大清早,跑去浴室高歌一曲,然後學學Ella Fitzgerald的scat唱法。隨著時間的流逝,Per成了瑞典80年代初期最受歡迎的5人樂團Gyllene Tider的一員,Marie也在1984年以個人專輯在排行榜中闖出名號。當這Per與Marie在1986年組成羅克賽合唱團的時候,兩人各自的音樂世界就這樣組合成了一張完美的流行音樂拼圖,他們的製作與編曲深受英美流行音樂的影響,不過,他們旋律之中卻也蘊藏著瑞典音樂中經常出現的淡藍色的憂鬱音色。