phos·pha·tase [ fósfə tàyss, fósfə tàyz ] (phos·pha·tas·es)
enzyme acting on phosphoric acid: an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphate esters and the transfer of phosphate groups
磷脂酶 可將磷脂分解成脂肪酸 ,鹼性磷酶(alkaline phosphatase),舉凡在鹼性的環境下,催化水解有機磷脂的酶,全都叫做鹼性磷酶。
Phosphorus availability may be the most limiting factor to plant growth in many terrestrial ecosystems
(Attiwill and Adams, 1993; Chapin et al., 1994). It is at marginal or limiting amounts in pinyon±juniper eco-
systems dominated by Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.) Little) (Tiedemann, 1987). Much of the
plant demand for phosphorus is met by cycling of phosphorus in organic matter (Attiwill, 1980; Attiwill
and Adams, 1993). Since plants utilize only inorganic phosphorus (Stevenson, 1986), organic phosphorus
compounds must ®rst be hydrolyzed by phosphatases which mostly originate from plant roots, fungi and soil
microorganisms. Phosphatases measured in soils re¯ect the activity of enzymes bound to soil colloids and humic substances, free phosphatases in the soil solution, and phosphatases associated with living and dead plant or microbial cells (Skujins, 1976; Nannipieri et al., 1990).
Phosphatase enzymes can be a good indicator of the organic phosphorus mineralization potential and bio-
logical activity of soils (Speir and Ross, 1978; Dick and Tabatabei, 1993). Phosphatase activity is related
to soil and vegetation conditions (Ho, 1979; Herbien and Neal, 1990), responds to changes in management
(Adams, 1992; Clarholm, 1993), and can be related to seasonal changes in soil temperature and moisture
(Harrison, 1983; Dormaar et al., 1984; Speir and Cowling, 1991). However, much of the phosphatase
research is based on a single sampling date and ignores
the dynamics of phosphatase relative to other soil factors over time.
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