Control. Everyone wants it, but how many people really have it?
When we strive to control our world and can't, we feel threatened.
lf we don't overcome the trapped feeling, stress arises.
here are some tips to help you:
* Find the source of your stress by keeping a log. Identify the stressful events, deadlines or people. Try to foreseestress and prepare for it before it comes.
* Identify tasks and prioritize them. Use the jobs you enjoy as rewards for completing tedious ones.
* Set boundaries. Be realistic about what you can or can't do. When faced with a request you're unsure of, say "no," not "yes." Get counsel from others if you can't set boundaries on your own.
* Be positive and keep cool. See your problems as opportunities. Think "What's the first step to finishing this project?" instead of "I'll never be able to finish this project on time!"
* Live in the present. Try not to dwell on past mistakes. Going over and over your failures only increases stress.
* Be flexible and learn to laugh at yourself.
* Build friendships to help you cope.
* Begin an exercise program.
* Take up a hobby or join a club.
* 活在當下。試著不要停留在過去的錯誤中,不斷重溫你的失敗只會增加壓力。
* 有彈性點,並試著可以嘲笑自己。
* 建立友誼以幫助你應付壓力。
* 開始從事運動。
* 培養一個嗜好或是加入一個社團。